
You have defeated all opponents and become the Pressure Champion!
You've mastered the game by defeating all 11 unique opponents!
The goal of Pressure is to capture all of your opponent's tokens.
Movement: On your turn, move one of your tokens to an adjacent space (up, down, left, or right). You cannot move diagonally or move inactive tokens (marked with red).
A token simply moves to an adjacent empty space.
Pushing: When moving into an occupied space, you are "pushing" the whole connected line of tokens. Pushing is only valid if there is an empty space at the end of the line. Both your own and opponent tokens can be pushed.
When pushing, the entire connected line moves one space.
Inactivity: Any opponent tokens that you push become inactive (marked with red) for their next turn. Your own pushed tokens remain active. Inactive tokens cannot be moved but can still be pushed.
Note: In the push example above, the black token becomes inactive (red dot) for black's next turn.
Capture: When a token is surrounded on all four orthogonal sides (by tokens or board edges), it is immediately captured (turned blue). Captured tokens cannot be moved directly but can be pushed. Once captured, tokens remain captured for the rest of the game.
When a token is surrounded on all four sides by any combination of tokens, it is immediately captured (turned blue).
A token in the corner can be captured by just 2 tokens because the board edges count as surrounding.
The game ends immediately when either: